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Pneumatic Fertilizer Distribution: An Exploratory Study

Omar F. Zubia1, Fernando O. Paras Jr.1, Ralph Kristoffer B. Gallegos2, Arsenio N. Resurreccion3, Benhur C. Rafosala4, and
Joan Cecilia M. Catubig4



Fertilizer distribution is still done manually in rice farming. Broadcasting with a machine is more accurate and rapid than when done by hand. A research was conducted to explore the use of pneumatic system in fertilizer distribution.

Test results showed that granular fertilizer can be successfully quantified by the designed metering mechanism. Providing a good control to the discharge lever can produce a relatively good degree of discharge rate variation, as reflected by 3.55% to 9.30% CV. The results are within limit of the design parameter set at 10%. There was a high degree of variability of distribution, averaging between 37.1% and 52% for different opening setting. A distribution characteristic has been laid out and the concentration of fertilizer over an area is already been identified. It is rec­ommended to further study the concept to improve the system.

Keywords: pneumatic, fertilizer distribution

1 Assistant Professor, 2Instructor, 3Professor, 4Graduate Students, Agricultural Machinery Division (AMD), Institute of Agricultural Engineering       (IAE), College of Engineering and Agro Industrial Technology (CEAT), University of the Philippines Los Baños, 4031 College, Laguna, Philippines.